There is much controversy about Conservative PM Candidate Pierre Poilievere and his current or past involvement with the World Economic Forum (WEF) , or whether he was involved at all.
In 2021, Poilievre was listed on the WEF as is noted in this archived page. Since posting this, we have received a number of comments from Poilievre supporters denouncing this information with claims that anyone can post on the WEF site, web archives aren’t real, that posting a link back to the WEF website is not proof, or that it’s misleading to have anyone on the list without multiple confirmations of involvement. It is worth noting that while researching membership, we also noted that two other prominent politicians were removed from the WEF site the week of February 22, 2022; Doug Ford and Andrew Scheer. Screen shots taken prior to their removal are available in our library, and can also be seen archived on the same site that referenced Poilievre, here and here. It is interesting that this is timed prior to elections. We did reach out to Mr. Poilievre’s office and asked if he could explain why he was listed on the WEF site when he is claiming he has never been involved with the World Economic Forum. At the time of writing we have not yet received a response.
Poilievre is a career politician who won his first elected seat in 2004. He is clean cut, intelligent, educated, well spoken and has made a name for himself calling out the government and demanding answers. He has recently announced that he will be running for Prime Minister of Canada in the next election, with freedom being a major part of his platform.
For the past two years, the Federal Conservative party has been generally quiet on all of the restrictions placed up on Canadians, and Conservative Provincial Governments have had some of the harshest restrictions in the country. Why, now and only recently, are freedom and Charter Rights part of the Conservative platform? One has to wonder if the national outpouring of support of the Freedom Convoy played a role in determining a favourable election platform. Or is it because now Poilievre is in a position of leadership and able to speak freely about his views? But if that’s the case, why was he on the WEF website?
Andrew Lawton with True North interviewed Poilievre on March 11 (after our list of WEF Members was published) and asked about his involvement with the World Economic Forum.
The exchange:
Lawton: Is there a connection there? Have you ever spoken at a World Economic Event?
Poilievre: No. I have not. No, I’ve never been to Davos. I’ve never been part of the organization and I don’t agree with its public, publicly stated policy objectives. My policies are different. I obviously support small government, more freedom and individual independence, so I just have a fundamental disagreement with the organization’s policy outlook, and that is something that you can look at my track record that I’ve said that on the floor of the House of Commons, I’ve said it in parliamentary committees, I’ve said it in comments that I’ve made on line and for years and so anybody who wants to know my position on that subject can simply check it out and look up what I’ve actually said because I’ve been deadly consistent on that issue.
Is or has Poilievre been involved with the World Economic Forum? At this time, we don’t have a clear answer due to conflicting information. We will update when we get a response from Mr. Poilevre’s office in response to our question asking for an explanation of his presence on the WEF website.
UPDATE: April 21, 2022
In an interview with an unidentified reporter, Poilievre admitted that he was on the WEF website, asked to be removed, and stated that he is not a supporter of the organization. A transcript of the exchange follows the video.
Interviewer: “The WayBack Machine can’t be fudged. So, what happened?”
Poilievre: “Truth is, I don’t know exactly why they put me there, but I did have my staff e-mail them and ask them why it was there. The only ah ex explanation that they had that made any sense was that they republished an article of mine, or something like that. So they have publishing agreements with papers and I write a lot of articles in many papers. That’s the only explanation that they could give.”
UPDATE: May 2, 2022
Pierre Poilievre’s National Campaign Co-Chairs
Pierre Poilievre’s Website lists his National Campaign Co-Chairs. They are:
Tim Uppal
John Baird
Leo Housakos
Gail Shea
The first name that jumps out, is that of John Baird. John Baird has been identified as a WEF participant and appears on our post.
The second name that raises questions is Tim Uppal.
While Mr. Uppal does not have the same notoriety with the World Economic Forum as his colleague, and does not appear to have a bio posted, he does appear on a list of attendees at a World Economic Forum Meeting. He attended the “World Economic Forum on India” in April 2013, while he held the position of Minister of State for Democratic Reform of Canada. Mr. Uppal currently holds office as the Conservative MP for Edmonton Mill Woods. It is worth noting that Mr. Uppal held the position of Shadow Cabinet Minister for Treasury Board from November 2019 – September 2020.
From our preliminary searches, Quebec Senator Leo Housakos does not appear to have any direct affiliations with the World Economic Forum. He does, however, have direct involvement in creating Digital ID’s for Canadians; which is a major component of the WEF strategy. Canada had a first taste of the power afforded by Digital ID’s with the recent implementation of Vaccine Passports.
A Senate document dated June 16, 2010, states:
While this summary seems rather innocuous on the surface, the report referred to in the last paragraph is far more interesting.
The report was issued by The Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications, dated June 2010. It was authored by The Honourable Dennis Dawson, Chair and The Honourable Leo Housakos, Deputy Chair. The following are notable highlights from the document.
Page 22: Lessons from Estonia
“This committee is not suggesting that Estonia is a digital or economic utopia. But Estonia does provide the best available example of how to use digital technology to transform a society.
Estonia began implementing its program a dozen years before Canada launched consultations on a digital economy strategy. During this twelve year period, Estonia introduced paperless cabinet meetings, e-voting, digital ID’s, online and secure citizen access to government files.”
Gail Shea has a long career in politics, starting in the early 2000’s with the Conservative Party of Canada. She was a representative in PEI before running for a federal seat. She held the positions of Federal Minister of Fisheries and Oceans in 2015 and Federal Minister of National Revenue from 2011-2013.
At this time, we have found no evidence to suggest that Ms. Shea is involved with the WEF.
If Mr. Poilievre is dead set against the WEF as he claims, his choices for Campaign Co-Chairs with direct ties to the WEF and/or WEF agenda are curious at best. If he is part of the WEF and is working to usher in their policies, two of his choices for Campaign Co-Chairs are very well positioned and qualified to make it happen.
Update – May 17, 2022
It was brought to our attention by one of our readers that Pierre Poilievre was an Associate Member of the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development. This carries significance as the World Economic Forum (WEF) signed a partnership agreement with the United Nations (UN) to bring forward the WEF 2030 Vision and the UN 2030 Goals for Sustainable Development, to which Canada signed on in September 2015.
Once again, one must ask why Mr. Poilievre would actively participate in the WEF/UN agenda if he is, in fact, dead set against it?
Update – May 30, 2022
Poilievre boldly states he will invoke the Charter’s Notwithstanding Clause
On May 27, 2022, Poilievre took to twitter to make a statement on a Supreme Court of Canada ruling.
The full ruling may be read here.
“Section 745.51 of the Criminal Code violates section 12 of Charter and is therefore unconstitutional.
Writing for a unanimous Supreme Court, Chief Justice Richard Wagner said section 745.51 of the Criminal Code violates section 12 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in a way that cannot be justified in a free and democratic society. Section 12 of the Charter guarantees the right not to be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment. Its purpose is to protect human dignity and ensure respect for the inherent worth of each individual.
In a case of multiple murders, section 745.51 of the Criminal Code allows a court to impose imprisonment on the offender without a possibility of parole for a period of 50, 75, 100 or even 150 years. This provision “authorizes a court to order an offender to serve an ineligibility period that exceeds the life expectancy of any human being, a sentence so absurd that it would bring the administration of justice into disrepute”, the Chief Justice wrote.
A life sentence without a realistic possibility of parole presupposes the offender is beyond redemption and cannot be rehabilitated. This is degrading in nature and incompatible with human dignity. It amounts to cruel and unusual punishment. “By depriving offenders in advance of any possibility of reintegration into society, section 745.51 shakes the very foundations of Canadian criminal law”, the Chief Justice said.
In light of this conclusion, the Chief Justice declared section 745.51 invalid from the time it was enacted in 2011. As a result, the law that existed before that date continues to apply. This means the offender must serve a life sentence without eligibility for parole for a total of 25 years.”
There is strong argument to say that the notwithstanding clause should never have been part of the Charter, and in fact it was a heated discussion when the Charter was created. Use of this clause should be for the most extreme circumstances that cannot be dealt with under current laws. We have seen politicians show great disrespect for the magnitude of this action such as when New Brunswick MLA, Dominic Cardy, initially had it as part of Bill 11; a Bill that would have made an unlimited list of vaccinations a requirement of school entry with only limited and unidentified medical exemptions. Fortunately that Bill failed to pass, even with the notwithstanding clause removed.
Poilievre’s threat to use the notwithstanding clause because he simply did not like a constitutional ruling of the court is extremely concerning. That would be the act of a dictator, not a leader. We have laws and processes if he wishes to address his concerns with this ruling and as a member of parliament he has the option to introduce legislation. The fact that he would use such arbitrary force to address his personal feelings, severely questions his dedication to the parliamentary and democratic processes.
Update: May 31, 2022
Poilievre does not vote on Motion to end travel mandates
MP Melissa Lantsman brought forward a motion to end travel restrictions, that went to vote on May 30, 2022. The Motion was defeated with a vote of 112 Yea to 201 Nay. Interesting, Poilievre did not vote.

At 9:37 pm, over nine hours after the vote took place, Poilievre provided the following explanation.

If he was aware that he had a technical issue while voting on one of the most egregious violations of Charter Rights in Canadian history, why would he not address it immediately?
Update: July 26, 2022
WEF Member, former PM Stephen Harper endorses Poilievre in Conservative Leadership Race.
Is it reasonable to think that a WEF supporter and member would endorse a candidate who is truly against the WEF? I think not.
I have been wondering about Pierre as well. His recent attack on another candidate for conservative party leadership was to bring up a sex misconduct smear campaign that had already been debunked. It reminded me of Trudeau’s tactics. Also, it seems as if information on him prior to 2029 has been scrubbed. Pierre has charisma but something feels off. Keep researching!!!
If you compare PP’s ‘proposals’ you’ll find that those that differ from other CPC leadership hopefuls are ALL 2 YEAR OLD PPC party platforms.
Where was he 2 years ago?
I corresponded with Pierre’s office throughout the Covid coup repeatedly asking him to take a stand for Covid truth and against medical fascism. He simply echoed the PCP line which was essentially that as Conservatives they would have run a “nicer” and better pandemic operation without ever acknowledging it was an unlawful conspiracy from the get go.
I’m left to conclude that the official opposition sold its soul to the devil (WEF) and Pierre was prepared to go along.
i dont want perrie in if he is in wef please let me know what you find we need a new government..dont need corrution…how dare they take our freedon away
So a lot of us, especially my Fiancé and her circles are discussing who to vote for.
For them,
This is the deal breaker.
Who will make public statements that they will
1. Hire a forensic investigation into CMO’s and politicians
2. Charge them for their crimes against the Nuremberg code.
3. Crimes against our bill of rights and charter of rights.
It’s great to know he has been aware of the reset and bringing concerns about it.
He has had two years notice this was coming, he could see through it and his colleagues actions.
What has he decided to do about it?
If he is the new prime minister will he commit to persecuting those who are treasonous to the people.
Will he place new laws to make sure this is never done again?
Will be commit to better education of civilians to know our rights, and history to protect ourselves.
But what will he do to actually redeem the government back to belonging to the people and not the people to the corporation’s who own the government?
Too many red flags for me! He doesn’t stand up for anything that is important, just keeps harping on th Carbon Tax, like that is the biggest problem facing the world right now. No, I say we need alot more answers than what he is willing to give us right now! He SHOULD be saying something (anything) about our constitution being tampled on by our current government. AND HE IS NOT! That tells me something is off. Like I said, too many red flags. People please don’t be swayed to easily. We can’t afford another 4 years of governmental slavery!
I agree. If the last 2 years (and it’s not over yet) just get swept under a rug by the next ruling party we will know they were absolutely in on it. Joseph Bourgault is one candidate who definitely opposed the mandates and he is not a career politician.
Right on! Many people I know want these questions answtoo. They are crucial!!
What about opening an investigation into the murders of Barry and Honey Sherman that blackface shut down because it may have revealed his involvement? This blackface criminal needs to be in prison for all his crimes.
I absolutely agree. I also need more of a confirmation as to what a new PM will do going forward…here right from the horses mouth
This video is included in the article on PP. While he denies being affiliated with the WEF, why was he listed on their website. I have always admired PP, but if there is any doubt in my mind that he is affiliated with the WEF, I will not vote for him. As others have questioned, why did he not stand up against the mandates during the past 2 years? What is his stance on the QR codes? Too many uncertainties at this point.
Has no one ever lied to your face? Especially a politician?
Frankly I doubt he was in, I think it’s only spams and photoshops. Even if Pierre was in the WEF and left, what is the big deal. Have you seen the ins and outs of ongoing members. Some may be curious, some may just want to keep up what is going on or simply just belong to something. Members can consists of politicians, educators, doctors of all kinds, lawyers etc from all over the world. No one says you need to be in it to push the Great Reset like Freeland, Trudeau and half of their Liberal caucus. All I ever hear is Pierre talking down of the Great Reset, whether in Parliament and tweets for years. Don’t forget, there is an election, that brings out a lot of rumours. As far as I’m concern, he is the best we have.
Does not explain why his top guy works with the WEF right now as we speak. Bad choice in political company.
I agree mostly. The one issue I have is why can he just not admit he had some sort of affiliation with WEF in the way you have spoke about and was just curious etc but once knowing the full skope has wanted nothing to do with it. We all want to believe he will save us in some way but we need total transparency. In the past (pre covid days) I would have never voted for a conservative but now I feel like that’s all I have. It’s okay to say you felt this way at one time in your life but now feel different or you were curious about something but it’s not for you. We want total honesty. Reading everything on this page makes me really second guess PP and that video of him posted up above when he said he doesn’t know why his name was on the WEF website makes me look at him as sneaky not trustworthy. I really hate that. Somethings off, which really sucks!
The big deal are all who are in the WEF and on his team, like Tim Uppal, John Baird, Stephen Harper and Larry O’Brien to name a few of those in the WEF and part of those who make up his team. This flag is not only red, it’s on fire!!!
The appearance on the WEF website is fact. I saw it while it was on there before it was removed. The time machine showing that he was, is NOT fake. I saw it with my own eyes. He also confirms it was there in one of his videos. So that is fact. Did he approve it? He was listed just as the opposition minister of finance if my memory serves me correct. I did a deep dive and he does not to appear to have every been YGL grad. I’d say he’s telling the truth on that. But. That said, and the information above is what I found myself. Baird is a WEF YGL grad. Uppal attended in 2013 with Harper’s entourage. The Baird and Harper support is a huge red flag. If Pierre was seriously against the agendas then why hasn’t he come right out and state if pm, he would pull Canada out of the UN, WHO, WEF and NATO. Why NATO? If Freeland is aspiring to be the top dog in that organization I can guarantee you they are onboard with these agendas. I also know personally that he was asked point blank in Sk at one of his rallies here if he supported the 17 SDG’s of the UN 2030 agenda. He replied he doesn’t know about those but would look into it. Fact is. He was on the committee who wrote the paper that we are now having shoved down our throats. He obviously knows about them. So why deflect this question and he actually lied in his response.
I hope to hell I’m wrong but there are too many things that add up to he’s likely the next in line behind Justina to push the agendas.
We need a new party with honest politicians. The conservatives have WEF members and that says they’re corrupt too.
Jagmeet is a YGL. The ndp is corrupt too. The liberals are FULL of WEF. It’s up to us the people to stop complying to digital Id and CBDCs. That’s our only hope. Oh and Pierre is also alleged to own shares in a digital Id company. I have not been able to confirm or rule out this accusation.
Who else is there that has a chance of getting elected? If we vote PPC they won’t win and another 4 years of trudy. If Pierre is WEF then nothing matters anyway,they path is clear.
If that were true, Pierre would be telling every canadian what he don’t like about the WEFs plans and why he left after joining and what they want for Canada’s future, that he’s not going to allow that to happen as PM and is against everyone and everything to do with the WEF but all he says is I wrote a paper and they put me on there by mistake but I asked them to take my name down, some how they made me a member after publishing one of my articles and u publish alot or papers. Does he really though? How many published papers does Pierre actually have to say he publishes alot of papers everywhere
Excellent comments Susie. I joined the WEF 3 years ago to find out what they are all about. I get emails from them every week. There are many things that they discuss that are good goals for our world. The UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals are very honorable goals. What I have learned is that there are nefarious individuals who are very powerful financially and have different ideas of how the world should be managed. These are very evil people (narcissistic psychopaths).
Here is one sample of the comments that I sent to them. I also sent this to Global Research.
Hi Dee, I too have been following what this government has been violating from day one and in disbelieve and contrary to what I understand of canada being a free democracy but when you have political parties combined to force mandates and other violation that restrict us from living freely you have to ask yourself… Are we living in a sovereign country? The media can’t be trusted and the CBC and any subsidiaries are a crown corporation so my thoughts are to know if Canada is an corporation that the WEF, UN, CDC which are all private organizations that have systematically for decades influences policymakers legislation and laws that control and manipulate people . There is something I came across in searching for answers and had many discussions with Rick and Lee who initiated and “GPMS”world platform where the people of the world want positive change that will liberate all of us from the control of these dictators. Be well and love life.
I hope this will happen I’m so scared on who to vote because their all involve my gut feeling says their all in the evil side And don’t know what to do but ask God to help us all because we are all fighting for good
After the Alberta incident ! It is very clear Whom his.BOSS.REALLY IS : FREELAND!!
I’m starting to wonder myself as I’ve been very supportive of him till reading some of these! Really unsure what to think now and I’ve committed to a $100 donation that I’m now concerned about!
No one is taking your damn freedom away unless it is a conservative like Poilievre.
I am concerned as I’ve looked up deputy leader for him is Melissa Lantsman . I don’t know about him but she attended some meeting in 2015 with WEF . Now I want to know how deep is that tie
What is the PCP? What line do they have about anything? What party do you ACTUALLY mean, could it be the CPC? THAT is the party Pierre HOPES to be leader of very soon
Possibly means the PPC, Maxime Bernier. Who the Legacy media will not even mention. For PPC ideas check out their site.
I totally agree. Our new Government should be just that…ALL NEW! No more CASH for life either. Two terms and out the door.
That sounds wonderful and should be in place in a real democracy with direct people controlled. I admire Pierre stage presence but the system isn’t working for the peoples best interest as I see it. Corporations have influenced all political parties like the WEF with legislative measures imposed to protect their interests. The latest is to censor everything including the internet and including peoples personal lives. In searching for answers and solutions I had come across a site and had multiple conversations with Rick and Lee who are help initiated a choice to be free from all of corporate control and if you see that monetary system as a tool to control us and keep us in servitude for the foreign cooperation governance then you might want to take a look at this site “GPMS” world . It is very concise in the solution. Be well and love life!
do your research
Pierre was on the WEF website for one webcrawl…. April 01 2021
never before, and not since…. April fools day*/
try it for yourself
Laurie, Poilievre has admitted to being on the WEF site. Please click the link in his description where we include the interview.
This calendar view maps the number of times was crawled by the Wayback Machine, not how many times the site was actually updated. More info in the FAQ.
What if… the WEF knows exactly who they DONT WANT opposing them, and posts their picture on the WEF website to cast apersions on a person’s character in order to assure that they don’t get the votes necessary to oppose their golden boy Trudeau. These guys are schooled in deception…
He admitted his name was there. He was there as I saw it on the site prior to the removal. It’s a fact. That said, he explains it and who knows if he’s telling the truth or doing damage control. There are many red flags in his regard. See my other reply for specifics. I can confirm that I have dug deep into his past in the WEF and UN 2030 regard. What I wrote is what I found myself through many many hours of digging. I believe what I wrote to be factual, true and accurate.
He was on there list because they reposted a couple of articles he wrote for other media. He is not a member and that is why his name is now off !
Hi Barbara, He was listed as “People” – the category which Trudeau, Freeland and Soros fall under. He was not listed as an “author” as he claimed.
Conspiracy theorist see a conspiracy in everything. The WEF isn’t made up of a bunch of stupid people out to GET anyone; technology exposes everything eventually and the hypocrite, Poilievre, was caught.
Of course you would have been conversing with a staff member and not Pierre himself. I too have had such correspondence. However I do agree that it appears suspicious how the Canadian Conservatives as an entity seemed either inexplicably ignorant or politically complicit as the first two years of this planned farce was rolled out on the Canadian people.
It is honestly so hard to trust any politician these days. They seem to say what people want to hear, then flip flop when it suits them.
Pierre hasn’t flip flopped since the day he got into politics, but don’t take my word do your own research to find out.
BAHAHAHAHAHA….hypocrites flip-flop all the time and he definitely is awesome at hypocrisy.
Brown attacked, with lies, Poliviere the same day he announced he was running. Brown is a slippery operator that nobody in Ontario wants. How can he act like a Mayor and take care of his city, while campaigning to become leader. He’s cheating his rate holders who are paying him to run his city.
I agree. I have a very bad feeling about Brown. Pierre on the other hand, I don’t know, I don’t get bad vibes from him. Is it possible that the leaders of wef put his name on there? Are there photos of him being there? Klaus Schwab had some very good things to say about Trudeau. Could it be that wef knows Pierre is a threat & are trying to raise public doubts? If you think about it, Pierre could have told us that yes, he joined but left when he realized that he disagreed with some of the narrative. THAT would definitely given him a much better chance of winning hands down. Honesty + ETHICS = WIN!
Why won’t Pierre sue the WEF for defamation?
If it was me and I had no affiliation with the WEF and they were using my photo and bio information on their site to say I was one of them I would sue them for $10billion for damaging my reputation and honor.
Well Pierre what do you say to that?
Too many red flags for me! He doesn’t stand up for anything that is important, just keeps harping on th Carbon Tax, like that is the biggest problem facing the world right now. No, I say we need alot more answers than what he is willing to give us right now! He SHOULD be saying something (anything) about our constitution being tampled on by our current government. AND HE IS NOT! That tells me something is off. Like I said, too many red flags. People please don’t be swayed to easily. We can’t afford another 4 years of governmental slavery!
I’ve listened to a lot of his speeches so it’s a more carbon tax. Go on his website and and listen to his many speeches in Parliament. Pierre Who is speaking one day on the Parliament channel and I didn’t know who he was and it was a lengthy speech and it was quite captivating and I listen to the whole thing and I thought who is this guy. The next time he spoke I made sure I got his name and I realized he was from the PC party that was the party of my choice. I wasn’t that much into politics at that time it’s just that I didn’t want Trudeau as Prime Minister. I started listening more to him speaking and I was on his website so I thought more of his talks and I was quite impressed. He made sense and I really enjoyed his sense of humor. I started to really look forward to his speeches. The liberals tried many times to have somebody match him in a debate but they could never succeed. I wished he would’ve ran instead of O’Toole because maybe he would’ve been Prime Minister by now.
It was the same for me, I’ve never been into politics until I took notice to Pierre. I even bought myself a conservative membership just so I could vote for him. I to absolutely look forward to any new speeches, his posts on YouTube and on Twitter. I’ve done a little digging myself and as far as I can tell his outlook on things and opinion have never changed since he started politics. He’s also grown up like most of Canadians in middle class neighborhoods, and everything he owns he’s done himself without the silver spoon hanging from his mouth. I find him believable in all directions, and yes a good humour to him as well. He’s loud and doesn’t hold back when he’s making his point. He’s informative, outspoken, and serious, which makes him also entertaining to watch and hear. This is who Canadians need for a Prime minister and we need it to be a majority.
My condolences! Obviously, some people have a great ability to keep fooling the fools.
do more research ! pierre has already answered ure questions ! pierre for p.m. !
Who to vote for then
Do NOT vote.
Roman Barber is anther candidate worth looking at.
He might be the most honest one
Pierre Poilievre has a lot more people showing up at his rallies then Max does. My only problem is I don’t want to see us lose to the liberals again by splitting the votes like the last election. I myself am voting for the new blue party for provincial and Pierre Poilievre for federal government
That would be New Blue for provincial élections. What about Leslyn Lewis for federal PC?
Nobody has ever heard of him . . . like so many of the new arrivals in the race.
Could be it’s just a ploy to break up the votes and then do a Sloan and support the fossil from Quebec . . . Charest, the guy the Eastern Establishment Progressives really want.
Carefull what you wish for folks . . . you might just get it!
He should be asked to declare the WEF a terrorist organization
Reduction of population on a timeline that requires genocide
You will own nothing – larceny
and sexualize and racialize children – child inr=terference
genocide, larceny & child interference – if that is not terror …
PP should be asked to table a motion to declare the organization as terrorists
Excellent suggestions. If he’s clean he’d have no problem calling the WEF out for what it is.
The WHO needs to be denounced as well for pushing to implement one world governance, the sovereignty of any nation and its constitution that signs the treaty will be overridden.
The people will not stand for corruption anymore!
I agree!
Yeah, he aslo has WEF involved people in his campaign.
Is someone pulling his strings that isn’t in the spotlight?
He should be rooting out anyone involved with the WEF within his campaign.
Nothing will hide the truth, he should be concerned with corrupt people infiltrating and getting close to him is he’s being fully honest.
I do notice that Pierre chose his words very very carefully when defending his involvement with the WEF when talking with Andrew. Whereas Maxime Bernier seemed very authentic with the same question in a recent podcast.
link to the archived World Economic forum page for pierre poilievre is “”
poilievre’s response he was he thinks it was an article, however the “/people” part of the link would lead me to believe otherwise because that /people/ section is for people connected to the WEF and he flat out denied everything, I agree more research should be done but I am very wary, I think some other independent reported should ask him to locate the article that was featured on the WEF page if it really was just an article and not a /people/ profile for him on their website. let’s just for the sake of it assume what he said was true, I’m still curious to see what article of his they thought was so great to post.
I feel the same as you. He appears to have appeared out of thin air. I would like a member of our government to “penetrate” wef cabinet to give us inside info and thwart that terrorist organization from the outside in.
I agree. Something feels off.
Also to be noted John Baird Poilievre campaign manager works for Eurasia Group along with Gerald Butts and Mark Carney Wife Diana Fox Carney. The organization very involve with WEF. Easy to check
He has publicly stated that he will not allow members of the PC party to be part of the WEF
I choose to believe Poilievre and it is clear that Trudeau is all in.
A number of politicians have attended these events but that does not automatically make them co- conspirators or supporters
well Michelle Rempel Gardner is Young leader of the WEF. So is Stephen Harper and Andrew Scheer
I keep bugging Pierre P to give Garner the boot . He won’t .
Trump was at Davos. His daughter Ivanka was awarded Young Global leader by WEF. Maxime Bernier was also at Davos.
If the site says so & so IS a member, agenda contributor, partner or board member… then there should be concerns.
Someone listed under people and ONLY under people is strictly a person of interest that WEF took note of.
Hi Barb, how did you make this determination?
Agreed….Personally I no longer trust ANY POLITICIAN…especially with what has been transpiring with the WEF, the UN agenda 21/2030, thé Covid bullshiite, Prevention of doctors to use HCQ, Ivermectin…with threat of losing their licence, The CPSO and the Ass. Psychiatrist pushing doctors to consider their Non jabbed patients to be considered mentally ill! The BC government pushing their communist Bill 36 that would prevent health officials from going against the government “the Bony heretic witch”….and seize property and fine up to $200,000.00 for any dissenters! And Dr. Jordan Peterson and the Ass. of
Psycho logist of Ontario! And on and on! Throw it all together and it smells to high hell….Trudeau, Rutte, Freeland, Macron, Ardern, and a slew of others around the world , CEO of hundreds of Co.’s , World leaders, Select Scientists
NUREMBERG 2.0 is required….however we need THE PEOPLE to be way more involved!
It appears to be Pierre Poilievre in the foreground?
It doesn’t look like it’s him!!!! 🤔🤔🤔
That’s gonna be hard to refute! Stellar work man. Pierres a snake in the grass with the rest of them.
Canada needs a clean sweep from the top down, regardless of party!! This Country has been compromised through subversive means!
do ure own research ! dont believe the hype ! pierre for p.m. !
No way, that is not Pierre lol. Nice try.
Hi This will not share for me. Can u send it to pls?
why is this photo no longer viewable? It use to be?
He it not it a ploy to get rid of him
He said he has never been involved in interviews when directly asked about involvement
I agree. I tried to see the link from icloud and it wouldn’t work for me. I think this is a ploy to dispose of the two leadership front-runners. I tried following the information in the video as well… it came up with such a long list of “results” of speeches that it would take hour and hours to review everything. I sent a note back to Dr. Trozzi that he should retract the email….
He has risen (his words) mighty fast. From obscurity to the front row like out the blue presidents Clinton and Obama. American politics yes; but the double speak and the mysteries surrounding their rise to fame is the same no matter where you go. If he was on the. WEF site he needs to answer fully why!
He said he has never been
@ Laura Curry
And do you actually believe him with all the other refuting evidence, that photo above you alone proves he is lying to you and everyone else. Snap out of your denial!
Photos are no longer conclusive today . . .
Ever heard of Photoshop?
Also when asked on interview by True North, Pierre Poilievre touches his nose. Don’t you think this might be a nervous gesture??
Or his nose just itched… I’m personally a very honest person but I may touch my nose from time to time when I talk to others especially in winter not because I tell a lie but because my nose itches due to dryness.
Pingback: Communism with Canadian Characteristics: Davos-backed COVID dictator Justin Trudeau announces “supply and confidence” pact with socialist NDP chief, Khalistan terrorist sympathizer Jagmeet Singh that will ensure hopelessly corrupt, minority Li
Pierre Poilievre denounces WEF and GR on Nov 2020 with these 7 tweets. See tweet links below:
My question is why he didn’t say ANYTHING for the last 2 years? Whyyyyy? Plus if he was a member of WEF one time, it’s concerning to me!
Absolutely agree. Too many red flags for me. He doesn’t deal with any reall urgent issues. He never says anything about the fact that the current government is tramppling over our constitution. All he is willing to commnet on is his plan to do away with the carbon tax. That’s all fine and good, but under these current conditions that the world is under. IT IS NOT ENOUGH!
Agreed! !00%. I am having serious doubts for the same reasons now. He didn’t speak out for the last 2 years. Why? My main issues don’t concern the Carbon Tax. It’s our current government.
He was front and center in Paliament criticizing the Turd & the Lieberals . . . . till O’Toole put him in the back bench because he made the Toole look bad.
You people amuze me . . . his policies are the opposite of WEF . . . and he appeals to even unhappy Liberals and Dippers.
Some of you likely voted for Trudope in 2015 . . .
So many join and leace through the years, We don’t know for sure if he was in, it could be spams and photoshops on googles. And if he was, he certainly talk against WEF a lot. Have you seen the people in WEF? Doesn’t mean they are all in with the same intention as the Liberal Government.
Soooo, April 2021 when he decided not to be involved with the wef is after he tweeted in 2020 “AGAINST” the Great Reset… and so on!
My question remains: where was he in the last 2 years??????? And whyyyyy he never speak up UNTIL the Freedom Convoy was heading out to Ottawa?????? 🤔
To me, something doesn’t smell right!
He has never once in parliament ask Trudeau about his affiliation with the WEF , why is he not harping on the liberal government about how many of them are involved , it should be front and center in the discussions in the walls of government. Why is he not asking about the digital currency trudope is trying to bring to our country.
**Environment and sustainable development**
Pierre voted yes. Check out what other agenda bills he voted yes to
The fact that you post this information without proof, says a lot. If you are a legitimate source of information, uncover the truth before throwing out misinformation. If that is your goal, well done.
Mark, as is noted, and explained, Poilievre was on the WEF website until April 2021. Link back to the web archive to his page on the WEF site is provided. Further, additional links to web archives were provided for two other politicians that were removed from the WEF website in February. Their original pages are archived not just on the web archive link provided, but also in our library. Please read the post.
I doubt the WEF only has one horse in the race. Poilievre’s name was removed to make him electable. Same goes for Doug Ford. Trudeau is a useful idiot and will be discarded if the need arises along with his minions.
At least Pierre can honestly claim that he has been saying what he is saying now for his entire life. Back in 1999 when he was 20 years old, he wrote a 2500 word essay for a contest put on by Magna. Although he didn’t win the contest he was a finalist and won $10,000.00 as well as an internship at Magna.
I tried to find a copy of the essay, I would love to read the whole thing, but can’t find it. If he has been talking like this since he was 20 chances are he is sincere in his words today as well. I know there are no guarantees but at least this is a bit of reassurance. I did manage to find a paragraph from the essay as well as some commentary about it. I have included that below.
“Although we Canadians seldom recognize it, the most important guardian of our living standards is freedom: the freedom to earn a living and share the fruits of our labour with loved ones, the freedom to build personal prosperity through risk taking and a strong work ethic, the freedom of thought and speech, the freedom to make personal choices, and the collective freedom of citizens to govern their own affairs democratically. Government’s job is constantly to find ways to remove itself from obstructing such freedoms.”
— A familiar voice: The author of those words was PIERRE MARCEL POILIEVRE. They were part of “Building Canada through Freedom,” a 1999 essay the 20-year-old university student wrote for the “As Prime Minister…” Awards, a program sponsored by auto-parts giant Magna. He pulled an all-nighter and submitted the paper just before the deadline. His prize for being a finalist? C$10,000 and a summer internship.
— Fast forward to 2022: Poilievre is still championing the F-word at every opportunity — say, in response to JUSTIN TRUDEAU’s dismissal of a trucker protest as merely a fringe minority group. “The Prime Minister’s tactic is to divide, demonize and distract. It won’t work,” he said. “Canadians are uniting for freedom.”
If anyone can locate the full essay please post the link.
Funny, I do NOT recall Pierre Poilievre meeting with the trucker in Ottawa EITHER.I DO recall Maxime Bernier meeting with them but NOBODY paid attention to him. I don’t pay attention to Pierre either, I have ZERO desire to vote for him – EVER
All of these politicians are suspect.
Minister Bernier to Attend the World Economic Forum
News Release
January 24, 2008
Unfortunately Lorraine we may only have one election left in this country.
I have met Max and have been a supporter . . . but it is pure Fantasy to think he can go from ZERO the Govt in one election.
Rational people know this . . . Pierre was criticized just the other day by Charest for supporting the Truckers . . .
Charest is the choice of the Eastern Progressives . . . just like Justin was their choice back in 2015 . . . remember Harper was a diktator . . . lol
Remember when . . . .
World’s Richest Middle Class . . . NY Times
World’s Best Reputation . . . Reputation Institute
Best Wage Growth in G7 Nations . . . 2007-2012
Best Oilfield Salaries in the World . . .
Best Oilfield Enviro Regs in the World . . . Harvard Bus School
Best Country to do Business . . . . Forbes
World’s Best Debt to GDP Ratio , . . OECD
ALL of that is in the REAR VIEW Mirror today Canada . . .
This is how far we have fallen from in just 7 years . . . we are now at the Bottom of those categories . . . we could wind up like the USA with a senile senior citizen.
I have been looking at the WEF website for a while. Never seen him on there until now… well his name which means nothing. These are fear tactics, as they are afraid he will win and expose them.
If you vote for others we have what we had in 2021.
So to all of you out there please do your research. People who make up stuff about others are trying to deflect from themselves. Lots of us want them to be investigated. Every thought that his name ( only) showns up now as they know they will lose so they want him to be dragged down with them. Not sure about you but what was said, by who and the decisions that have been made……it is very easy to see who thinks to fill their own pockets or the pockets of general Canadians.
What if… the WEF knows exactly who they DONT WANT opposing them, and posts their picture on the WEF website to cast apersions on a person’s character in order to assure that they don’t get the votes necessary to oppose their golden boy Trudeau. These guys are schooled in deception…
His name does not show up now. It showed up before he was Leader of the Conservative party.
We Must Discern and Learn from each Other. What happened in Sri Lanka when the People had enough of WEF UN Policy of NWO Agenda’s, There Parliament installed Another Globalist WHO immediately Installed Digital I.D. How Do We recognize WHO IS TRUE? JESUS Said You Will KNOW Them buy their Fruit,
It does not matter who becomes PM, they are only the director (one of several) of a corporation that is owned by the UN/World Government since 1985.
You are bonkers if you really think that one man, even if he was working for the people, which is impossible because of his oaths to the CROWN (corporation), can do anything in a ‘party politics’ situation where all politicians swear an oath to the same corporation. Parties are the theatre department of the for-profit corporation called CANADA, Inc.
Gee people, this is not a republic like the US. This is a corporatocracy and we are it’s assets, to be traded as the corporation wishes. In 2014, the UN gave special awards to the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, and many other politicians and bureaucrats (as just one example of how we are ‘owned’ by the corporation) for trafficking Canadian Citizens to the World Government. We are now all ‘Global Citizens’.
If you were a Canadian Citizen today, and tomorrow you learned you were a Polish Citizen, would you not ask how that happened instead of pretending that the very politicians who work for the World Government are going to ‘save’ you???
I would like to think that Pierre is genuine in his statements, BUT he is a career politician and needed to be pointed out. I see lots of comments about vote splitting, folks this is a leadership race first and unless you are a CPC member you don’t have a say period. Look at the candidates who have been brought in for this fiasco. Brown, Charest this is too obvious even to the sheep. I for one am not happy with the fact he didn’t speak up until the trucker protest. But he did and that speaks volumes. If you have watched him in parliament you know he is a pit bull and consistent in what he believes in and speaks for. If we have a way out of this mess I believe Pierre will be the way. As a politician his actions and words are chosen carefully sometimes you have to read between the lines and go on past performance which for him is very clear. Just my 2 cents.
Being a career politician is only a bad thing if that person bends and accepts things to gain favour and influence..
Pierre has been consistent in his speech and actions since at least the age of 20… same values of Canada being dependant, strong and free… with a limited government..
When the mind wants to find fault in something, it will make sense out of anything to prove it’s point.. sad these “freedom lovers” are suddenly against freedom..
it’s possible for a person to visit WEF just to view the psychos and useful fools within it in order to plan how best to defeat or at least resist that cabal.
so , we evidence that ANY candidate we vote for has taken a public stand against WEF before voting for them
I don’t trust him. Think about it. He just comes out of really no where and pushes really hard when canadians are vulnerable and need desperately someone to believe in. Notice how JT has said nothing about him. Anyone that goes against JT he will attack. Not a word. JT also knows that he won’t make PM the next election and he needs someone to replace him that people trust. Think about it people it only makes sense.
He didn’t come out of nowhere. My daughter studied political science in university and has been watching him for years before covid. He is probably the only one who can help our crashing economy right now.
Did she know him before his politial careeer? When he as a paper boy?
I’m willing to cut *some* people some slack when it comes to the WEF. That is, it’s possible they were a part of it and once in changed their minds after seeing what its stated goals and objectives were. Maybe this was the case here with Poilievre. Who knows? One thing is for sure, Justin, Jagmeet and Chrystia act and talk like they’re full on board with the WEF. They do serve globalist interests and not Canada.
Yup, I firmly believe Pierre isn’t in on it, however, it could be possible that his staff is in on it, but it could also could be possible that they broke off from the WEF after seeing their 2020 agenda and push…
Im placing faith in Pierre, and if all of a sudden he stopped being congruent with his actions and started supporting WEF policy, we could vote him out and never trust the Conservative party again.. sounds like a good deal to me rather than let Trudeau win another election..
Could we get some expert in body language interpretation interpret Pierre’s gestures during that short time when he answers that unidentified reporter? That would be actually helpful.
I was wondering the same thing about his body language. I thought closing your eyes and looking down was an indication of lying.
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If you notice the link to the archived World Economic forum page for pierre poilievre is “”
Now in the Video detailing poilievre’s response he says he thinks it was an article, however the “/people” part of the link would lead me to believe otherwise because that /people/ section is for people connected to the WEF and he flat out denied everything, I think he’s someone to be wary of and that bernier is a better possible option if you were going to vote, but I wouldn’t even put all my hopes in him, just the best option as I see it right now.
Your logic is flawed, Bernier was also on the WEF website AND admitted to attending the event in Davos.. it’s funny that all of you people are giving him a pass but not Pierre.. flawed reasoning
I have found no evidence of Bernier being on the WEF website. Please provide your source.
Pretty bold of him to claim he’s running for Prime Minister in the next election considering he hasn’t even won the leadership position yet. Makes you wonder what he knows that we don’t. Like that Klaus and George already have his seat won for him perhaps? 🤔
He’s definitely the Trojan horse…..
Seems to me that they scrubbed his profile. His staffers and appointed ppl are all WEF and WHO and you name it.. he’s a Trojan horse guys. Vote for Roman Baber. He has been fighting this reset from the start. He is worth your time. Not Pierre he’s not good for Canada or its people.
I met Roman about a month ago at one of his meet and greets. sat and chatted with him after for about ten minutes before he had to go to his next one. He is the choice hands down! He is the ONLY one talking about these mandates. Vote Roman Baber, he is the ONLY trustworthy one to lead us out of this Liberal hell of a jail they have turned Canada into.
I’m really starting to wonder about him, he is a little to polished for my liking and I have heard about the Trojan horse a couple times.
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leslyn lewis also against wef and digital i.d. and is untained and a doctor. smart lady. not that pierre isnt smart we cant afford any wef members taking over.
She is not a doctor. See how reliable all these comments are?
She has “Dr. Lewis” on Twitter, with a paid blue verification. She has a phD, not a medical degree. Still a doctor.
The “something off”is because he’s a born liar.Caveat Emptor.
I watched something this morning saying he is just a Trojan horse of what’s to come, could be the devil in disguise.
Pingback: Trust Issues: Poilievre Failed to Vote to Remove Mandates – People's World War
At the moment, Pierre has the popular vote. Roman doesn’t stand a chance, nor does Leslyn because of not enough support. The media is promoting Jean Charest, the Liberal that IS part of the WEF. If you don’t want Charest as the next conservative leader, everyone better get their act together and vote for Pierre who already has the popular vote. He IS Not part of the WEF. I have looked through every list of every member which took quite awhile. Pierre IS NOT on any of those lists. If Jean Charest becomes the next Conservative Leader, it will be because of people who believed the lies about Pierre and blew things out of proportion. Get it together people. You are doing exactly what Trudeau wants you to.
I wouldn’t want to be anyone who pulls a total deception on the real conservative voters in order to lead them into subjugation to the WEF and the One Worlders. Frankly I think they would need full time body guards and never go out in public again.
Some of the implications made are silly. Why didnt he comment sooner regarding his inability to vote in favor of ending travel restrictions. Maybe he was busy dealing with whatever business he was dealing with in thunder bay.
The wef gathers together individuals with access to resources, or high influence. Whether they veliev in the ideolgoy or what its more likely, they are motivated by the money they get, none of these people are incompetent. As for someone political having ties. Pierres involvement seems to be minimal if it all. Those who attend are not usually secretive about it.
Obviously he is an able person ir the WEF wouldnt have use for him, same goes for his team. To suspect that they are all apart of the ideology. The evidence is not there.
I support the guy.
Boy, must be ALL leftest Liberals on this comment board. Still ALL asleep to the Liberal/NDP injustices. Shameful, after so many people are trying to stand up for what is rightfully ours as Canadians! Pierre, win this one! I followed you since you were a young kid in Calgary! I know you would do this country a great service. Just too bad you need to clean up the Liberal/NDP mess! Seems like the Conservatives, throughout history, always needed to clean up the Liberal mess! At least the Conservatives lowered the GST to put money back into the pockets of Canadians and at least they brought in TFSAs and good paying jobs! What did the Liberals ever do for us??? ALL they do is take, take, take… Rights, Freedoms, Money, Jobs. Pierre, we understand why you were away from the seen for the last two years, and it had to do with being at home with your wife and new baby. Congratulations, we have your membership and we will be backing you!!
Have met Baird. He could be the setup. He has had many positions. But very aggressive with bully control freak type personality. WEF has big money and lots of time to scheme. We must stop oppressive legislation like BC’s Bill 19 and others across the country.
update By Andrew Lawton -March 11, 2022:
“Pierre Poilievre says he’s running on cost of living and freedom”
greetings from rebellion part of germany!-)
I want to embrace Poilievre as a leader, and I enjoy listening to him confront deceptive actions of the Liberals and others, using logic and humour. But after observing and analyzing the obvious deceptive strategies of the WEF and WHO, and looking historically at Communist and Marxist strategies, my gut strongly insists that Poilievre is masterfully playing the “Prime Minister archetype” that Canadians are longing for to rescue us.
It only takes a moment to remember how Conservatives supported the Liberals during the Pandemic — literally, there was no opposition party. It was obvious that there was a tacit oath of support between opposing parties and politics. And to quote Klaus Schwab, “The WEF has infiltrated more than 50% of the Canadian legislature with Young Leaders,” it should come as no surprise as to what is taking place. The strategy is mirrored by the NDP supporting Trudeau by providing majority voting power. The only difference is the vocalization and transparency of the strategy.
Opposing political parties tacitly supporting the other has already been demonstrated — albeit in an undisclosed and deceptive manner. As soon as Canadians woke up to the authoritarian and unconstitutional over-reach of the government, and spoke out against it, did Conservatives switch strategies, suddenly and overnight. They appeared to perform as the opposition should. When Canadians became conscious of the WEF and WHOs totalitarian goals and their influence on Canadian politics, the Conservatives had to change direction, and speak out, or it would be too obvious they are in cahoots with the New World Order.
Poilievre then steps forward with sudden confidence, attacking Trudeau and Liberals by identifying policies leading to our country’s destruction. And unlike all the other ministers who have been terminated and discarded by Trudeau for saying far less, Poilievre has experienced no censorship. He is given absolute freedom to say whatever he wants. He is masterfully performing the archetypical role of what Canadians are thinking, cleverly putting it into words with clarity what the average citizen desperately wants — to be rescued by an orator who understands the needs of the common man and woman. Poilievre is a leader who appears to be one of us, and is not an animal more equal than the rest of us cattle in the animal farm.
Poilievre’s uncanny identification of our fears, wants and needs is so perfectly orated, skillfully and better annunciated than any other politician in Canada, that his new role had to be scripted by an ingenious speech writer. He captures our hearts and awakens our hope that the future resembles the Canada we grew up in, loved, and took for granted.
His charismatic propagandizing is drawing unheard of crowds and support, far beyond any other Canadian politician. But I fear he is hypnotizing the awakened who are becoming another version of mass delusional psychosis, in which we overlook Poilievre’s pathetic non-responses (just denial, no rational explanation to how he appeared on the WEF website), and his sputtering, stunned, awkward non-explanations when he and his wife were confronted on making over ten million dollars in 16 months from Covid-19 vaccine investments. In other words, opportunistic insider trading.
I am using pure logic in my assessment of Stage Two New World Order strategies. And I’m also using my ability to think like the enemy. By examining the evil fantasies of revenge spun by unresolved resentments, I owned the devil inside me. Fortunately I had the moral strength to not act them out — unlike the WEF and WHO puppets and their zombified followers. But it has enabled me to think like the enemy. I know what it is capable of. I can no longer live willfully ignorant.
I hope I am entirely wrong. I would embrace and celebrate it. I want to believe there is a hero ready to save me and all Canadians. But the hero is found, not in Poilievre I am afraid. The hero is in each one of us who seeks truth. Only truth sets us free.
You NAILED IT!! I’m suspicious but optimistic as well.
I like all your points…. but the Klaus quote is a bit off…. he said he was glad to see 50% of JT’s CABINET were all WEF program alumni. It would be interesting see how many total in all the parties are members. But it is worse than that. The Cabinet holds the most influence and 50% of them means that everything coming out of there is influenced by WEF.
Be careful about the cliche about truth setting you free. Perhaps for some but it is on the Ft Langley marble floor of the very corrupt cover it up cia who for decades has infiltrated the media in Operation Mockingbird[people]. It is our opinion that no one should invest in poisonous jabs or other dangerous big pharma products which is in this case an accomplice to proven premeditated murders just as Kissinger bragged in 2009. The Chuck Norris image that says anyone who promotes the jabs is a murderer is true. [what about the spike of suicides of children. ]
👏 👏 👏
Man we need to go outside more, I’m of the same mindset. Germany was in a bad situation when Adolf came into power (economic troubles like today) and he promised that he would make Germany great again. All Politian’s are in it for something: corruption, power, selfish, vengeful ect. We could be overthinking it and he could implement Bitcoin as a form of money to replace the over dept system that is ready to explode and we could continue on like what El Salvador is doing. The system has to change, but is Pierre the right guy. I lean to no.
Stephen Harper is indorsing PP for Concervative Leadership. Hmm Stephen Harper is up to his eyeballs in the WEF. Now i will not vote for Concervative if PP gets leadership.
Stephen Harper is a huge part of WEF and his wife (for show) is a 33 freemason. He is the one who actually sold Canda out in the beginning and when Justin Castro Trud was PLACED in 2015 (and every election after) he continued the destruction of Canada. Michelle Rempel Gardner is another one. Jason Kenny, all the premiers are, head of Universities they all are JT, CHRISTINE FREEKLAND, BILL MONRUE, ALL HEALTH MINISTERS .ETC. Every darn one of them. God help us all.
In the House of Commons he said the following about WEF
His position is that he does not agree with their position
Copy this link and check on YouTube
All this garbage is why we need to get rid of elections. Anyone, and I mean everyone, that want to rule you cannot be trusted. Ban all political parties. Pick legislators at random. It’s called democracy. Much better than plutocracy.
I heard Leslyn Lewis speak a couple of weeks ago and she has come right out against the WEF and their interference in our government, as well as being a committed pro-lifer. Leslyn also, as part of her testimony said she got pregnant at 19 and decided to keep the baby as a single mother. She walks the walk. The only hope Canada has to get rid of tyranny is to stop murdering our unborn and elderly. Dr. Lewis as far as I know does not have any questionable past or present associations and who is by all accounts an outsider to the system. The fact she’s hardly being covered shows she’s not even on the presstitute’s radar and that she’s against the agenda.
Lewis buys into the Climate Scam, so she’d just as tainted by Globalist policies.
I thought PP was great until I heard Stephen Harper was endorsing him. Harper was/is WEF. That gave me grave concerns about PP.
Besides garnering Harper’s support which means nothing because of his alignment with the WEF, check his voting record – does not represent my values on life, family and sovereignty.
exactly.. He has Not stepped up to protect the rights of Canadians. He did not in 2.5 years have a voice for Canadians. paid Opposition even though I was hoping he was one of the very few good ones left, I was wrong. ttps://
Why not ask his wife why she hired a team of lawyers to keep hidden where all the money is cimi g and going. Maybe ask Peirre why he ha gs with WEF people and wa ts thrm to be working with him if elected?
How can we get a list of each and EVERY WEF Young Global Leader in the entire history? FOIA? Because they only list them in the year they were ‘chosen’ and I think the year they ‘graduate’ the 5 – 6 yr program, as per So, it has been in existence since 1993 under the name “Global Leaders for Tomorrow” and was renamed to “Young Global Leaders” in 2004. They choose them based on being under 40 yrs of age.
as per:
“Young Global Leaders are nominated by alumni to serve six-year terms and are subject to veto during the selection process. Candidates must be younger than 38 years old at the time of acceptance (meaning active YGLs are 44 and younger), and highly accomplished in their fields.[5][6][7] Over the years, there have been many hundreds of honorees, including several popular celebrities, alongside recognized high achievers and innovators in politics, business, academia, media, and the arts.[8]”
So, each year a new group is listed. I would really love to see the list of ALL Canadian participants since inception to vet ANY future candidates. Why? Because they have been playing us off on LEFT and RIGHT year upon year upon year and we are always heading forward to their totalitarian agenda regardless. Seems to me that all parties are complicit and unworthy of our votes. We need new govt entirely. Personally, I like Roman Baber. We, the people, need someone that will entirely change the system, from within.
Find me an honest politician then I will vote. Never voted in my life in 60 years. As of today, knowing Harper is a part of the WEF. supporting Pierre. Again no vote for Pierre. People say if you don’t vote, you have no say. Why, The truth hurts those who have common sense. If everyone decides not to vote, it is a statement there is no one good enough, to be a leader of any country. Except for dictators who don’t give a shit like Trudope and Harper. Silence is golden until sh*ts hits the fan.
Please show up to vote and spoil your ballot! If only 55% of eligible voters show up, that means government is 45% dictatorship. Spoil your ballot. Back in 2015, Post Media outlets tried to make it sound appealing to “decline to vote”, which is yet another option. Record number of people declined to vote, which is actually a trap to that breaks the right to caste ballot in private, and forfeits one’s right during that entire election term!! Every voter has rights that include challenging election results, and more. Please show up and spoil your ballot with ” one of the above”. If you feel that you cannot honestly choose a candidate that represent you, as the constituent, then that candidate has no responsibility to honestly represent you. Trust is the underlying reason for a prosperous society. Fun fact – if 70% of voters show up, and win with only 30% of votes because an unusually high number of votes were spoiled, then that election can be contested. If successful, a re-election is held with all new candidates!
Please chose a candidate that represent your riding, not the party leader.
Vote for Derek Sloan, an honest man.
I’m no expert just qnd ordinary Grammy of 5 mother of 3 grown going to make long story short how I came to looking into the UN/ WEF about 6 years ago.what I have come to the conclusion ithat the WEF just doesn’t randomly put a politicians name picture and bio on there website for the heck of it.only those that are associated with them.take for instance ones we do know for certain ie: Trudeau,macro,Johnson ,freeland,John baird,rona ambrose,Stephen harper etc…also none of the above deny it only the ones who don’t want to be found out.a other point is the WEF would not randomly just put up a conservative for the heck of it is very telling at least to myself.there is more pointing in the direction than not.the probability is therefore extremely likely.since it is very extremely likely poilievre is too high a risk.i also believe personally that every last one in parliament is one great big family putting on a good no longer excited to even listen to any of them speak.the trust is gone and had been broken over and over.i don’t care what Trudeau has done comparing.i didn’t vote for Trudeau but now I’m holding the cpc accountable regardless of Trudeau.if I had a friend like the cpc I’d kick them to the curb same as vote for an entirely different party will reflect the ending of the so done.i have to vote for someone I believe in.for someone of trust.whomever I decide it will not be liberal cpc ndp and definitely green.there are other parties and I will dig evey bit of info to make sure there is not a bit of connections to the WEF and will not follow the UN.they will get my vote.i don’t care if Trudeau wins mentally exhausted so I’m also doing it for my own well being.
Ellen, thats a great little bit you just added there, and I couldn’t agree more…every bit of it is bang on 100%…one giant family, us against them mentality without a doubt…these career politicians have it too good to bite the hand that feeds. Including Pierre..
Thank you to the people who have put in considerable effort to list as many WEF attendee names as possible. Your work is appreciated. I thought I was alone in my quest to learn the truth and was very pleased to discover this site. I have seen it with my own eyes, Pierre Poilievre’s name on the WEF site. I actually learned he removed it here. People who have either attended or have had membership would be listed on the WEF site. (WEF meetings have also been held at the UN building in New York, so Pierre saying he never went to Davos, doesn’t exclude New York.) Without evidence, I struggle to accept his “I wrote a paper” claim, as all of his closest associates are all WEF members!! If this rather harsh analogy is used – he doesn’t claim to be a nazi, but everyone he has appointed, those he collaborates with and those who have endorsed him are also nazis, well, is he still not a nazi!? Really?!
What is telling is that Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson are all listed as partners on the WEF page ( Scroll to the bottom and click partners. Search by industry, name, or affiliation. I use the alphabet listings under “all”.) On Feb 19, 2021, (scroll to section 1120 of the Handsard: )
Poilievre criticises the government for failing to procure vaccines as fast as other nations. The Liberal government was working with Medicago to finish developing a Canadian-made vaccine. Trudeau was trying to acquire as many different vaccines as possible, including Europe, and Asia, and unfortunately the quickest available solution were the American ones, which are all listed on WEF. Poilievre has served with Harper as Prime Minister since 2006. Pierre was also a cabinet minister. In all of those years, working with confidential information, and he wants me to believe that he didn’t know about WEF agendas? Agendas such as the vaccine passport? There is evidence produced that Poilievre signed off on policy, designed by WEF. Harper signed off on Agenda 2030, back in 2015, after ratifying Mulroney Agenda 21 in 2008. Brian Mulroney signed Canada into Agenda 21, in 1992. And lastly, Harper’s WEF carbon tax was going to be $65 per tonne, by 2020; with a goal of 20% reduction, also slated by 2020. Trudeau has it priced at $50 per tonne, with goal of 17% reduction by 2020. ( . There are more links from news articles, and a video of Harper saying the carbon tax targets as well.) How Poilievre keeps deflecting all issues back to Trudeau, when Pierre himself was part of these same polices under Harper reveals how good at deception he really is. And how much we want to believe in him.
The WEF is trying to busy us peasants with in-fighting between left and right, blue against red, but the real war is between the globalist elites and the commoners. In practice, anyone is free to attend the meeting with a membership price (last posted price was in 2014) of 600,000 Swiss Francs, plus 30,000 Swiss Francs for tickets to the events. In reality, who has that kind of spare cash?! Another reality check is what kind of ground-breaking ideas has been generated from all of these “wealthy minds” meeting? None. In all of the years, no new concepts have been conceived. How disappointing. We desperately need solutions for the complex problems that are confronting us, and they won’t come from those attending WEF. Democracy requires us to elect real constituency representative, not WEF delegates. And not Fraser Institute doctrines either. Privatisation means selling off what public assets we have, so we will own nothing. Will you be happy? Pierre says he will ban all of his cabinet from attending WEF, and what is missing from this statement is the actual alienation from the inner workings and globalist plans. The only nation to NOT attend WEF is North Korea. Is that our fate? Unfortunately, someone has to attend these events to learn what the plan will be in order to protect against it. We don’t have any capacity to replace those multinationals that produce the things we need, at the cheap rates they are able to offer. Pierre’s solutions are not possible. I wish we weren’t in this position, but we couldn’t even produce our own vaccines. How can we tackle producing every we need, at a reasonable cost without incurring additional debt?
If you know what the solution is, or have smart friends and can convince them to make our own “fix all the broken shit forum”, let’s do it! Democracy means we are all invested in our future. Today is a good day to start.
The more I read and see, the more I question Pierre Poilievre. I don’t know if he is a trojan horse that Donnie Trump was described as. I actually signed a petition of Poilievre’s regarding denouncing The Great Reset about a year ago. Knowing some of his “team” is not what you would expect, concerns me deeply. Maybe he is a trojan horse.
PP’s supporters said that anyone can post on WEF? LOL How? I do not think so.
Another WEF & UN goal is the 15 minute cities, aka SMART Cities. Edmonton and other Canadian city councils are working toward the implementation of this goal, yet very few people even know about it and many of those who do think it’s a good idea to have shopping, health facilities, recreation, etc. within their neighbourhoods with easy access by walking, biking or transit. Edmonton is at stage 4 in discussion of the plan and soon will be at stage 5, which will end in August. After then, the Council will proceed toward implementation by 2024.
Poilievre (along with Alberta Premiere, Daniel Smith, who has declared that WEF will have no place in Alberta ) has not spoken out at all that I know of about the incremental nefarious plan/purpose of the Agenda 2030 15 minute cities where “you will own nothing and be happy.” Why are these two supposed champions for the people and their freedoms, not speaking out??
Here’s food for thought in an extremely recent interview he was asked how can we trust you. Instead of the ONLY honest answer which would be “you can’t but I can prove it with my actions”, he proceeded to to slam another party altogether just like EVERY other politician does. We need a whole new group of people all together and we need our right to get them out forced into law. If we no longer agree with their way of governing we can cancel their title. They work for us not the other way around
Please use this one with the corrections made thank you
Hey, he’s a politician – his lips are moving – he’s lying. Easy peasy…
Professional liar!